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Simple physical and objective

R$ 47,00 + R$ 15,84 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2018

Estante: Ciências Exatas

Peso: 549g

ISBN: 9781976784040

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 28 de março de 2022

Sob encomenda: Até 5 dias úteis + tempo de envio

Descrição: After teaching at state and private schools in São Paulo, I noticed needs in the teaching of physics. As an experimental matter can not arouse the interest of students? Yes, this was my question. How could I handle the physics of simple and objective way for students? The answer was given by them, the students, greater objectivity and clarity in the theories. A detailed statement of interpretation and resolution of an exercise. The purpose of this work is to treat teaching the theory and problem solving physics in a simple and objective manner, so that the teacher has more time to demonstrate physics through experiments.

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