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R$ 60,73 + R$ 13,79 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2019

Estante: Pedagogia

Peso: 369g

ISBN: 9780359412976

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 26 de julho de 2021

Sob encomenda: Até 5 dias úteis + tempo de envio

Descrição: THE MAKER OF KITES is a book [novel] that, through the story of a real overcoming story, shows us in a didactic way how we can, from the exercise of dialogue between the Philosopher and the Executive, that each one of us, by the simple fact of belonging to the species homo sapiens we bring within us, we achieve our goals and/or goals, whether personal or professional. It is a work that, among other things, deals with the need for our being to be in permanent dialogue/questioning with our actions, towards the development of praxis (action, reflection, action...). In this work we discover that to live is to be able to solve our socio-existential problems in a way that is at the same time theoretical, practical and evaluative, in the sense of praxis and/or in the sense of dialectics.

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