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R$ 27,50 + R$ 13,00 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 1991

Estante: Ensino de Idiomas

Peso: 350g

ISBN: 9780553213997

Idioma: Português

Cadastrado em: 17 de abril de 2024

Descrição: Homer´s epic chronicle of the Greek hero Odysseus´ journey home from the Trojan War has inspiredwriters from Virgil to James Joyce. Odysseussurvives storm and shipwreck, the cave of the Cyclopsand the isle of Circe, the lure of the Sirens´ songand a trip to the Underworld, only to find hismost difficult challenge at home, where treacheroussuitors seek to steal his kingdom and his loyalwife, Penelope. Favorite of the gods, Odysseusembodies the energy, intellect, and resourcefulnessthat were of highest value to the ancients and thatremain ideals in out time.In thisnew verse translation, AllenMandelbaumcelebrated poet and translator of Virgil´sAeneid and Dante´s Divine Comedyrealizes the power and beauty of the originalGreek verse and demonstrates why the epic tale ofThe Odyssey has captured the humanimagination for nearly three thousandyears..

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