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The Ultrasimple Diet

R$ 12.30 - 15 %

R$ 10,45 + R$ 14,31 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2007

Estante: Saúde

Peso: 409g

ISBN: 9781416547754

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 25 de abril de 2022

Descrição: 7 - L - Livro em bom estado de conservação: miolo firme, corte, borda, lombada e capa bons. Sem dobras, páginas rasgadas, faltantes ou com furos de traça.  Sinopse: In The UltraSimple Diet, Dr. Hyman reveals his revolutionary accelerated plan which, if properly followed, allows a person to lose ten pounds in just seven days. Many people who thought they were just doomed to be fat, or had “no willpower, ” will see that they are actually suffering from inflammation brought on by foods that have a toxic effect on the body. By cutting these toxins out of our diets, we can achieve fast and easy weight loss. Each day of the plan features menus, exercise routines, relaxation and stress reduction exercises, and a few blank pages in order for the reader to keep a journal of his or her progress.

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