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R$ 42,55 + R$ 9,42 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: n/d

Estante: Literatura Brasileira

Peso: 100g

ISBN: 9781092116473

Idioma: Português

Cadastrado em: 11 de abril de 2024

Descrição: This is a letter written by a doctor to a nun who is cloistered in the "Carmel of St. Joseph" of Pontoise, France, containing a spectacular narrative in which the narrator acts with total freedom and, on his own, describes with dignity details of two lives that, in their youth, made a certain mistake to the point of putting their families in disjunction. At the end of the plot, it is not known whether or not the narrator has reached his state of purity. This letter, now, reaches the reader through an absurd literature, which, according to the philosopher Viktor Frankl, "man is always seeking meaning." It is not known whether the nun has received it or not, although it is available to the reader.

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