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Livro Indian Instant Pot Cookbook

R$ 114,43 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2020

Estante: Culinária

Peso: 344g

ISBN: 9781733447645

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 24 de maio de 2023

Descrição: The Best Indian Instant Pot Cookbook for Quick and Easy Cooking That We Can't Live Without!Have no time to make slow-cooking but totally delicious Indian meals?Is your trashcan overflown with delivery boxes?Dont want to overpay at expensive restaurants?Forget about it with Instant Pot. The electric pressure cooker breaks all the rules of traditional Indian cooking making it a way easier, faster, and healthier. Cook with our book, which offers you 105 authentic recipes of Indian cuisine for Instant Pot: from Rava Dhokla to Chicken Biryani Rice.From this cookbook you will get: Fast-cooking - no more long-cooking process. You will need only an hour and a half to cook the most time-consuming dish Harmony of spices - the main secret of Indian dishes. Instant Pot allows spices to give all of their taste and fragrance to the meal Vegetarian recipes - The Indian kitchen is perfect for all types of vegetarians Tips for beginners you dont need to be a pro to cook amazing Indian foodThe phone number of food delivery will be the last in your call history from the moment you start to cook with this book.Use these healthy and easy recipes and start cooking today!

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