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The State Economic Handbook 2009

R$ 863,87 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2008

Estante: Administração

Peso: 498g

ISBN: 9780230609556

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 29 de junho de 2023

Descrição: Over the past decade, Africas center of gravity in world politics has shifted from mere humanitarianism to a strategic view that posits the centrality of the continent as energy and natural resources supplier, in the fight against terrorism and other security threats, and in the globalization of culture. Besides these considerations, this shift is reflective of two defining dynamics. On one hand, political and economic reforms have contributed to the growth of democracy, an improvement in the economic outlook, and the strengthening of regional governance. On the other hand, the ongoing diffusion of global power is setting the stage for a new international order in which Africa will increasingly matter. This book probes the importance and significance of these developments and their implications for Africas international relations.

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