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Livro Cornelia

R$ 105,67 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2018

Estante: Comunicação

Peso: 115g

ISBN: 9781946943002

Idioma: Latim

Cadastrado em: 25 de dezembro de 2023

Descrição: Cornelia is a first-year Latin novella about the imaginative adventures of a young girl in early 20th century America. As with all of the books in the series (A New Latin Primer, Cornelia, Carolus et Maria, and Acta Muciorum), the story slowly increases in complexity chapter by chapter. Cornelia contains 554 unique, high-frequency vocabulary words which are understandable in the context of the story. There is a complete glossary at the back of the book as well as suggested Latin questions for each chapter.

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