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Livro Trusting God

R$ 145,61 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2017

Estante: Religião

Peso: 416g

ISBN: 9781631467929

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 24 de maio de 2023

Descrição: Why is it easier to obey God than to trust Him?Because obeying God makes sense to us. In most cases, His laws appear reasonable and wise, and even when we dont want to obey them, we usually concede that they are good for us. But the circumstances we find ourselves in often defy explanation. Before long, we begin to doubt Gods concern for us or His control over our lives. We ask, Why is God allowing this? or What have I done wrong?During such a time of adversity, Jerry Bridges began a thorough Bible study on the topic of Gods sovereignty. What he learned changed his life, and in Trusting God he shares the fruit of that study. As you explore the scope of Gods power over nations, nature, and even the details of your life, youll find yourself trusting Him more completely-even when life hurts.This new edition replaces both Trusting God (paperback ISBN 9781600063053) and the study guide (paperback ISBN 9781600063060) by combining both resources into one volume!

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