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Livro Learn Korean - The Language Workbook for Beginners

R$ 147,77 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2021

Estante: Comunicação

Peso: 374g

ISBN: 9781838291648

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 22 de dezembro de 2023

Descrição: Our comprehensive Workbook for Beginners makes learning the Korean language simple! Packed with practical information and easy, step-by-step guides to help you read, write, and speak Korean faster:Ideal Introduction to the Korean LanguageLearn all about the historic Hangul AlphabetComplete Stroke Order Diagrams and Writing InstructionHangul Flash Cards to cut-out and keepOver 150+ pages, with Calligraphy Practice and Quizzes!Detailed Guide to Pronunciation and RulesThis Korean book is suitable for adults and kids, from total beginners to those looking to improve their writing Hangul writing skills. Our self-study exercises and how-to-write style practice pages will simplify the whole process for elementary and intermediate level Korean.Your tutor, Jennie Lee, will teach you everything you need to know about the Hangul script, with just enough detail to get started quickly! Features: a comprehensive overview of the pronunciation rules, a large section of beginner vocabulary for practice, a guide to reading and writing numbers in Korean, understanding native handwriting, and more!Whether you are learning from home, buying a gift for a K-pop fan, or want to understand the latest K-drama better, this book is the best way to start learning Korean.

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