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Livro The Sufis

R$ 128,73 + R$ 18,37 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2019

Estante: Filosofia

Peso: 705g

ISBN: 9781784793616

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 10 de outubro de 2023

Descrição: What is Sufism?The book follows the Sufi principle of scatter in answering this unanswerable question.It deliberately shies away from offering an ordered definition.Instead, it throws out ideas.Like fragments of light on dust particles, they reveal the shape of something intangible.Neither emotionalist nor academic, this book offers the closest thing a written work can to an experience of Sufism.When it came out in 1964 it was incredibly influential, attracting admirers such as Robert Graves (who wrote the introduction), Ted Hughes and Doris Lessing.Its the most important modern book written on Sufism.A must-read for any serious student of Sufi thought.

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