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Animal Farm (Warbler Classics Illustrated Edition)

R$ 79,76 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2022

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 122g

ISBN: 9781957240534

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 06 de fevereiro de 2024

Descrição: Animal Farm, George Orwells satirical political fable, tells the story of a group of barnyard animals who overthrow their human masters in hopes of fashioning for themselves an egalitarian society. As their rebellion germinates and eventually fails in slow motion, Orwell draws deliberate parallels to events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Stalinist era of the former Soviet Union. Animal Farm is considered one of Orwells finest works-a flawless novella full of wit, imagination, and stylistic verve. This Warbler Classics edition contains twenty vintage illustrations drawn from Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon.

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