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Livro Archangel Michael

R$ 99,89 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2018

Estante: Religião

Peso: 90g

ISBN: 9781609883010

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 07 de agosto de 2023

Descrição: Terrorism. War. Earth changes. Violent crime. The threats to our families, nations and environment are enormous. Could it be that these issuesare taking place because we are failing to invite divine intercession? Now more than ever, we need Archangel Michael.This breakthrough book introduces you to the best ways to bring Archangel Michael into our lives and how you can call for his intercession.Revered in Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, Archangel Michael can protect you and your loved ones in times of trouble.All you need to do is ask for his help.Includes true stories of Archangel Michaels miraculous intercession. Access these powerful Archangel Michael protection prayers today.

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