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How To Win Friends & Influence People

R$ 219,88 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2021

Estante: Auto Ajuda

Peso: 475g

ISBN: 9789390896028

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 23 de maio de 2023

Descrição: The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published, How To Win Friends and Influence People is a Self Help book written by Dale Carnegie. Over 15 Million Copies have been sold world-wide, making it one of the Best Selling Books of all time. In 2011, it was number 19 on TIME Magazines List of the 100 most Influential Books. Authors advice has stood the test of time and will teach you how to: Make friends quickly and easily, Increase your popularity, Persuade people to follow your way of thinking, Enable you to win new clients and customers, Become a better speaker and Boost enthusiasm among your colleagues. This classic book will turn your relationships around and improve your interactions with everyone in your life.

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