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Livro What Is Reformational Philosophy?

R$ 149,88 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2020

Estante: Filosofia

Peso: 547g

ISBN: 9780888152633

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 24 de maio de 2023

Descrição: Is a systematically coherent Christian philosophy possible? And if so, what are its essential elements? In this exceptional new work, Andree Troost, a close colleague of Professor Herman Dooyeweerd, lays out these elements in a way that attends to both the biblical grounds from which this philosophy is evoked, as well as each of the systematic conceptual elements that make up this new Cosmonomic philosophy. What is unique about this work is the clarity, simplicity, and unmatched biblical insight that has been born from a lifetime of study and reflection. If the Christian thinker can only afford to read one volume on Christian philosophy, this is pre-eminently the book to read. Its broad range, covering most questions typically raised about a specificaly Christian approach to systematic philosophy, and its authoritative presentation will make this volume the standard introduction to Reformational Philosophy for many years to come.

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