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The PI Guidebook

R$ 102,10 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2021

Estante: Administração

Peso: 240g

ISBN: 9781737029304

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 03 de novembro de 2023

Descrição: The PI Guidebook is a SWOT analysis for your career. It provides tools to ensure you are always employable and promotable. --ForbesThe Promotability Index (PI) is a free online assessment tool used by Fortune 500 companies and thousands of professionals who want to advance in their careers. The PI Guidebook is the essential resource that can help you get the most out of the PI.Using The PI Guidebook you will: discover how you are currently perceived in terms of promotability assess your unique strengths and opportunities develop and master the skills needed for leadership in the workplace create an action plan with concrete next steps to advance your careerWith over 30 exercises for developing a personalized self-development plan, The PI Guidebook will help you achieve job satisfaction and career success.The ultimate toolkit for any professional leader, manager, and colleague.--Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of What Got You Here Wont Get You There and Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach

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