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Perfect Storm : a True Story of Men Aginst the Sea

R$ 6,00 + R$ 10,68 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2003

Estante: Ensino de Idiomas

Peso: 200g

ISBN: 0-333-99074-9

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 31 de maio de 2020

Descrição: It was the storm of the century, boasting waves over one hundred feet high―a tempest created by so rare a combination of factors that meteorologists deemed it "the perfect storm." In a book that has become a classic, Sebastian Junger explores the history of the fishing industry, the science of storms, and the candid accounts of the people whose lives the storm touched. -112 p. - brochura- com os desgastes naturais do tempo, leve sujidade, bom estado de conservação e de leitura

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