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Cim Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Towards the Factory of the Futu

R$ 399,00 + R$ 20,84 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: n/d

Estante: Engenharia

Peso: 950g

ISBN: 9783642789908

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 09 de janeiro de 2024

Descrição: novo CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Towards the Factory of the Future Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the computerized handling of integrated business processes among all different functions in an enterprise. The consistent application of information technology, along with modern manufacturing techniques and new organizational procedures, opens up great potential for speeding up processes. This book discusses the current state of applications and new demands arising from the integration principle. It mainly emphasizes on strategies for realization and implementation based on the authors concrete experience. The "Y-CIM information management" model is presented as a procedural method for implementing CIM. The third edition has been supplemented by up-to-date specified ex

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