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Why Men Lie & Women Cry

R$ 65,00 + R$ 15,84 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2002

Estante: Comportamento

Peso: 515g

ISBN: 9780957810877

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 24 de outubro de 2023

Descrição: brochura usado mas bem conservado allan and barbara pease are the worlds foremost experts in personal relationships. their books, seminars and tv programmes have made them household names from australia to the uk and from the usa to japan. in their follow-up to the multi-million selling why men dont listen and women cant read maps, allan and barbara use the same combination of startling observation of peoples actions towards one another, humour and practical advice to teach the reader more about what men and women want from relationships, and how to get it.

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