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Ver todos os exemplares de "Hitchcock por Hitchcock"

Hitchcock on Hitchcock

R$ 44,40 + R$ 20,26 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1995

Estante: Cinema

Peso: 890g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 21 de julho de 2012

Descrição: Reputations come and go, but Alfred Hitchcocks has remained solidly in place in the pantheon of the masters of the cinema. Although he is well-known for his interviews, what is less-known is that he wrote extensively about the cinema during the course of his life. These writings are gathered together for the first time in this book. His essays are thoughtful meditations on film art in general, as well as attempts to define his own art in particular, expressed in a manner that is entertaining and full of the evident delight he took in film-making. The writings focus directly on his life, his films and his film practice. The book is essential to anyone interested in Hitchcocks work. Encadernação capa dura original, com sobrecapa. Bom estado de conservação. Sinais de uso e manuseio. 340 p.

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