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The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village

R$ 19,00 + R$ 13,00 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2010

Estante: Infanto Juvenis

Peso: 320g

ISBN: 9780781404198

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 08 de janeiro de 2020

Descrição: Livro usado em bom estado - Capa Dura - 21 x 26cm 36p - peso certo do livro para valor correto do frete - sem nome - sem dedicatória - sem notas - sem grifos - sem carimbo - miolo firme - sem etiqueta no dorso - - /// - The villagers loved the big, red tractor. It helped them grow enough food to get them through the year. But it was hard to use, and it didnt work very well. Even with everyone helping to push and pull the tractor, they couldnt get much done. Everyone believed that was just how things were. That is, until Farmer Dave discovered a long-lost book in a dusty attic. Could it really change everything? Farmer Dave thinks so. But the other villagers arent so sure. The Big Red Tractor and His Little Village is a contemporary parable sharing a timeless truth: God has a spec

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