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The Decision

R$ 10,50 + R$ 27,63 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2012

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 1560g

ISBN: 9780755320912

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 24 de outubro de 2021

Descrição: Livro em perfeito estado, apenas um pouco amarelado por ação do tempo. Set against a vibrant sixties backdrop, this is the story of two bright young things: Eliza, an ex-deb making a splash in the world of fashion, and Matt, a working-class boy carving out a serious name for himself in property. Their story begins with a love affair, closely followed by a marriage, followed by a baby. But whilst their relationship is at first fuelled by passion, its not of the enduring kind, and soon what started out with such promise descends into a harrowing divorce case and an epic custody battle. With everything at stake for both Eliza and Matt, and neither party willing to give up their little girl without a fight, its high drama in the courts. Let battle begin...

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