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First, Break All the Rules - What the Worlds

Capa ilustrativa
R$ 20,00 + R$ 18,16 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1999

Estante: Administração

Peso: 746g

ISBN: 9780684852867

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 03 de janeiro de 2024

Descrição: The greatest managers have little in common but share one common trait: they do not hesitate to break virtually every rule held sacred by conventional wisdom. They do not believe that a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to. They do not try to help people overcome their weaknesses. And they even play favorites. This amazing book explains why. Whatever their situations, the managers who ultimately became the focus of Gallups research were invariably those who excelled at turning each employees talent into performance. This book is the first to present this essential measuring stick and to prove the link between employee opinions and productivity, profit, customer satisfaction, and the rate of turnover.

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