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The Mzungu Boy (capa Dura de Luxo)

Capa ilustrativa
R$ 71,25 Frete grátis

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2006

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 290g

ISBN: 9780888996640

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 21 de julho de 2023

Descrição: 2 - P - Livro em excelente estado de conservação: miolo, corte, borda, lombada e capa excelentes. Sem grifos, anotações, rasuras, assinaturas, dobras, páginas rasgadas, faltantes ou com furos de traça. For Kariuki, life in a small village in Kenya is one great adventure. The best part of his day is the walk home from school, when he is free from both his bullying headmaster and his mothers long list of chores. The landscape around his village is beautifully wild, and Kariuki knows it well. One day Kariuki meets Nigel, a boy from England who has come to visit his grandfather, the fearsome Bwana Ruin, who owns the farm where the villagers work. The villagers call Nigel the mzungu boy (westerner), and view him with suspicion and fear, but not Kariuki.

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