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The Push Guide to Choosing a University

R$ 71,25 Frete grátis

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2006

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 505g

ISBN: 9780340929599

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 21 de julho de 2023

Descrição: 4 - Livro em muito bom estado: miolo e capa bons. Sem grifos e outras anotações.The systematic approach makes it easy for students to follow the whole procedure of choosing a university, from the application process through enjoying the experience to looking after their money and health. A questionnaire provides a checklist of individual priorities, making it easy to cross-reference information. Questions throughout prompt the reader to consider what they expect from every aspect of student life. Top ten lists follow the questions, providing immediate and accessible information on which universities have the right criteria to meet expectations. The lively and engaging style of writing transforms what could be an arduous task into an en... - 201612967

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