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World Changers: 25 Entrepreneurs Who Changed Business as We Knew

Capa ilustrativa
R$ 100,00 + R$ 19,68 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2011

Estante: Administração

Peso: 830g

ISBN: 9781591844501

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 21 de julho de 2023

Descrição: + Excelente estado de conservação: Capa, Miolo, Bordas, Lombada e corte Conservados: Sem sublinhados, nomes e outras marcações. What if you could sit down with some of the worlds most influential entrepreneurs and gain their knowledge and insights on how to create a game changing business? Imagine having the chance to listen to a John Mackey (Whole Foods) or a Fred Smith (FedEx) on the most important things theyve learned from their experiences. Or having the benefit of the self-reflection of Howard Schultz of Starbucks, who had to come back to the company he originally built to reinvent it and himself?Of course its not possible to deliver these rock star entrepreneurs to your dinner table. But John A. Byrne offers the next best t... - 20163215

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