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Monicas Story (capa Dura)

R$ 18,00 + R$ 19,68 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2012

Estante: Biografias

Peso: 840g

ISBN: 9781854794260

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 21 de julho de 2023

Descrição: 3 - Livro em ótimo estado: miolo e capa bons. Sem grifos e outras anotações. In the summer of 1995 Monica Lewinsky, twenty-one years old and fresh from college, started work as an unpaid intern in the White House, a job that brought her into contact with the then President of the USA, Bill Clinton. What followed would come to dominate the worlds media, as a young girls crush on the worlds most powerful man led to the cruellest public humiliation for her and ultimately to the Presidents impeachment on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Bestselling biographer Andrew Morton whose Diana: Her True Story broke to the world the truth behind the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales exclusively interviewed Monica, her famil... - 201610031

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