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R$ 54,20 Frete grátis

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2023

Estante: Sexualidade

Peso: 200g

ISBN: 9788572550802

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 31 de agosto de 2023

Descrição: STK - Livro novo. ISBN 9788572550802. Dimensão 14 X 21, 192 pág. Sinopse: Sex is one of the topics most spoken and written about. According to Gikovate, this is a sign that it is still poorly understood and far from a satisfactory resolution. As such, in this book he rethinks several myths and half-truths about sex and addresses controversial issues. Based on his believe that sex and love are two autonomous (and often antagonistic) impulses, Gikovate points out the strong association between sexuality and aggressiveness (especially in men). At the same time, he shows that desire and arousal are very different phenomena: while the first is elitist, based on elements of a consumer society that is almost out of control, the second is a democratic pleasure easily attainable by all. Gikovate

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