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Breath: a Novel

R$ 40,00 + R$ 11,53 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2008

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 240g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 23 de dezembro de 2018

Descrição: Foto do livro anunciado - Breath is a story of risk, of learning ones limits by challenging death. On the wild, lonely coast of Western Australia, two thrill-seeking teenage boys fall under the spell of a veteran big-wave surfer named Sando. Their mentor urges them into a regiment of danger and challenge, and the boys test themselves and each other on storm swells and over shark-haunted reefs. The boys give no thought to what they could lose, or to the demons that drive their mentor on into ever-greater danger. Venturing beyond all caution--in sports, relationships, and sex--each character approaches a point from which none of them will return undamaged. - brochura - 265 páginas - 13 x 20 cm - primeiras e últimas folhas com manchinhas de acidificação, miolo perfeito - D7

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