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Evil, Good and Beyond

R$ 41,00 + R$ 12,79 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2009

Estante: Outros Assuntos

Peso: 333g

ISBN: 9788572550628

Idioma: Português

Cadastrado em: 09 de outubro de 2019

Descrição: In Evil, Good and Beyond, Flávio Gikovate states that the union between man and woman is a bond between opposites — that is, a selfish person is bewitched by a generous person and the other way around. Yet this kind of relationship causes both partners problems, for they will ultimately go through situations of sorrow and disappointment. According to the author, investing in one’s own freedom and individuality is the solution. This could bring about couples formed by fair people, more mature to experience love.

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Veja outros títulos de Flávio Gikovate; Alison Entrekin