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Access Rome

R$ 25,48 + R$ 15,84 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2005

Estante: Outros Assuntos

Peso: 520g

ISBN: 9780060731106

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 08 de maio de 2019

Descrição: g2 p2363+ livro nunca lido em excelente estado de conservaÇÃo. the 8th edition of access rome will capture the magnificence and charm of a city in perennial bloom, lauded for its position as the historical and cultural apex of beautiful italy. rich with history, splendid in renaissance beauty, brimming over with the charm embodied by her people, rome is "the eternal city". by transforming and adapting herself with each new epoch while steadfastly holding on to her glorious past, rome brilliantly features the pantheon, the colosseum, the spanish steps and many more amazing sights, while showcasing some of todays best shops, restaurants and hotels in the world. this 8th edition of access rome will be the indispensable guide to discover... - 2016250269

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