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The Fall of Five

R$ 43,06 + R$ 16,58 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2013

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 590g

ISBN: 9780062291011

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 20 de outubro de 2016

Descrição: ....G2-P121....Livro em bom estado de conservação, com vinco na capa....John Smith - Number Four - thought that things would change once the Garde found one another. They would stop running. They would fight the Mogadorians. And they would win. But he was wrong. After facing off with the Mogadorian ruler and almost being annihilated, the Garde know they are drastically unprepared and hopelessly outgunned. Now theyre hiding out in Nines Chicago penthouse, trying to figure out their next move. The six of them are powerful, but theyre not strong enough yet to take on an entire army - even with the return of an old ally. To defeat their enemy, the Garde must master their Legacies and learn to work together as a team. More important, they... - 201653939

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