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The Messiah

R$ 97,00 + R$ 21,05 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2008

Estante: Livros Raros

Peso: 910g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 08 de junho de 2019

Descrição: Livro de capa dura, impecável. 490 páginas. Sinopse: Halter returns with a remarkable tale, based on truth, of the little-known crusade by a 16C Jew to marshal support for a Jewish state, 4 centuries before the creation of modern-day Israel. David Reubeni is a Jewish prince from the lost kingdom of Chabor. Arriving in Venice, he begins spreading his own gospel of the return of the Jews to a homeland in Palestine. Reubeni scours the European courts for support, ultimately pleading his cause to Pope Clement VII, to whom he promises control of the holy sites of Jerusalem in return for the Pontiffs aid. Upon his arrival at each new country on his quest, Reubeni attracts throngs of followers, mostly comprised of jews longing for and expecting the Messiah. Will Reubeni attain his vision and lea

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