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Kaddish For a Child Not Born *

R$ 39,00 + R$ 11,53 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1997

Estante: Livros Raros

Peso: 210g

ISBN: 9780810111615

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 31 de agosto de 2019

Descrição: Livro em ótimo estado, sem grifos nem anotações. Sinopse: Imre Kerteszs mesmerizing novel is a tale of identity and memory - the story of a middle-aged man taking stock of his life in the ever-present shadow of the Holocaust. The story unfolds at a writers retreat as the narrator, a survivor of the Holocaust, explains to a friend that he cannot bring a child into a world where the Holocaust occurred and could occur again. In an intricate narrative, we learn of the narrators myriad disappointments: his unsuccessful literary career, his failed marriage, his ex-wifes new family and children - children that could have been his own. Kaddish for a Child Not Born is a deeply introspective, poetic yet unsentimental work.

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