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Acting With Style

R$ 298,00 + R$ 27,84 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2000

Estante: Teatro

Peso: 1500g

ISBN: 9780205295821

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 07 de maio de 2020

Descrição: Recognized as a classic in its field, Acting with Style continues to be an invaluable guide to the process of approaching plays. The Third Edition retains all of the significant facts, data, information, and exercises, and offers a clear and warm writing style that expresses a sensitivity to the needs of actors. In addition to presenting the physical approach to actor training, the authors encourage readers to use the text materials and concepts with creativity and imagination, asserting that the process of discovering language is not limited to one specific time, place, or culture. For actors.

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