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Men At War: the Best War Stories of All Time

R$ 5.000,00 Frete grátis

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1979

Estante: Livros Raros

Peso: 1292g

ISBN: 0517066602

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 08 de maio de 2024

Descrição: Ernest Hemingway’s Men at War (1942) is an anthology of war stories chosen and introduced by Hemingway, based on an idea suggested by William Kozlenko. According to a prefatory note, Kozlenko not only submitted a preliminary plan for the book but suggested the inclusion of several of the stories it contains. By March of 1942 the USA was finally involved in World War II, and the anthology was seen as an inspirational book. As Hemingway wrote in his introduction, the book could not tell young men how to die, but it could tell them how previous generations had fought and died.Livro em capa dura, edição da Bramhall House, livro em bom estado de conservação, folhas amareladas pelo tempo.Cod Raro _PI6551617_

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