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Geoges Secret Key to the Universe

R$ 120,00 + R$ 20,26 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2007

Estante: Infanto-juvenis

Peso: 900g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 28 de abril de 2016

Descrição: capa dura e contra capa em perfeitas condições - estado de novo -ricas ilustrações---livro imperdivel. Have you ever wanted to wander into the far reaches of the galaxy and see stars up close? What about black holes; are you curious to see what they really look like? Wouldn’t it be nice to take an amazing adventure to mars and planets beyond the stars we can see? And how big is the universe anyway? The great physicist Stephen Hawking aims to explain these questions with a group of space explorers. “George’s Secret Key to the Universe, ” the first in a series of three books, follows the main character George as he attempts to understand the all the stuff we see when we look up into the sky. Join him, his neighbors Eric and Annie, and their supercomputer named Cosmos as they learn about

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