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L. A. Movie - sem Cd

R$ 10,00 + R$ 11,53 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2009

Estante: Ensino de Idiomas

Peso: 250g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 04 de setembro de 2016

Descrição: Brochura, sem riscos, rasgos ou rabiscos, 19, 5 x 13 cm, 135 páginas, ilustrado. Lenny was watching a movie starring the famous actress Gail Lane in a movie theatre. Charlie is thename of the actor in the movie Lenny was watching. Lenny’s car survived the car crash. Lenny is therefore pleased that his car is old and constructed better, whereas the other white car, which wasbrand new, did not survive the car crash and the driver was also injured. The blonde woman is GailLane, the same actress Lenny was just watching at the movies. ... estante 16

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