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Masterpieces From the National Gallery

R$ 35,00 + R$ 12,79 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2006

Estante: Artes

Peso: 345g

ISBN: 9781857093735

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 08 de abril de 2022

Descrição: Livro em excelente estado, com gravuras coloridas, papel couchê. CD 08.04.22 "This handsomely designed and illustrated book presents thirty-six masterpieces from the National Gallery’s remarkable and unparalleled collection, introducing major artists through their most renowned works. Each of the featured paintings––which together outline the main innovations in art history––is discussed in fascinating detail. Among those included are Van Eyck’s Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, Piero della Francesca’s The Baptism of Christ, Botticelli’s Venus and Mars, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Virgin of the Rocks, Dürer’s Saint Jerome, Michelangelo’s ..."

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