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Ver todos os exemplares de "A Certain Age"

A Certain Age

Capa ilustrativa
R$ 20,00 + R$ 13,58 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2016

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 370g

ISBN: 9780008132613

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 20 de agosto de 2022

Descrição: Livro em ótimo estado, amarelado pelo tempo, sem grifos e anotações. CD 20.08.22 "As the freedom of the Jazz Age transforms New York City, the iridescent Mrs Theresa Marshall of Fifth Avenue – a beautiful socialite of a certain age – has done the unthinkable: she’s fallen in love with her young lover, Captain Octavian Rofrano, a handsome aviator and hero of the Great War. But though times are changing, divorce for a woman of Theresa’s wealth and social standing is out of the question. When Theresa’s bachelor brother, Ox, decides to tie the knot with the youngest daughter of a newly wealthy inventor, Theresa enlists her lover to present the family’s diamond rose ring to pretty ingénue, Miss Sophie Fortescue – and to check into the background of this little-known family. Yet even as he ..."

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