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Ver todos os exemplares de "Kandinsky"


R$ 69,00 + R$ 19,00 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2022

Estante: Artes

Peso: 800g

ISBN: 9783836507462

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 17 de abril de 2023

Descrição: item novo Over the course of his artistic career, Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) transformed not only his own style, but the course of art history. From early figurative and landscape painting, he went on to pioneer a spiritual, emotive, rhythmic use of color and line and is today credited with creating the first purely abstract work. As much a teacher and theorist as he was a practicing artist, Kandinskys interests in music, theater, poetry, philosophy, ethnology, myth, and the occult, were all essential components to his painting and engraving. He was involved with both the influential Blaue Reiter and Bauhaus groups and left a legacy not only of dazzling visual work, but also of highly influential treatises such as Concerning the Spiritual in Art. Key tenets included the connections b

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