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Ver todos os exemplares de "Sociología de La Religión"

Sociology of Religion

R$ 24,00 + R$ 15,31 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1971

Estante: Sociologia

Peso: 500g

ISBN: 0140226672

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 09 de agosto de 2017

Descrição: Sociology of Religion - edited by Roland Robertson - Penguin modern sociology Readings - Reprinted 1971. Made and printed in Great Britain. It is one of the more curious ironies of modern industrial societies that, whilst religious belief is declining, interest in religion as a phenomenon flourishes. This paradox is of particular interest to sociologists, for in spite of its declining status, religious belief remains one of the most important sources in society of meaning and morality. In this collection of Readings, Roland Robertson examines the status and function of religion in a wide range of different societies and explores such questions as the growth of substitutes for religions in advanced societies, and the symbolic significance of primitive beliefs. Pocket book 473 pg good con

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