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Visual Intelligence - Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life

R$ 92,00 + R$ 19,68 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2016

Estante: Psicologia

Peso: 825g

ISBN: 9780544882003

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 13 de março de 2024

Descrição: 10201 - “visual intelligence” can sharpen your thinking skills, and improve the quality of your decisions. how? by showing you with 71 artworks in 11 chapters how to more objectively observe and assess visual and other sensory information, and how to precisely communicate about it. then, how to make better decisions using this more objective information, while factoring in both what is unknown and what you wish you knew about a situation. it is also very useful to professionals who depend especially on their visual skills to make decisions – often in a split second involving life and death. // 1st ed. 2016. hardcover. dust jacket. dim. 235x160x25 pp. illus. notes. bibliogr. index. // keywords: visual perception. visual intelligence. observation. communication. personal growth. //

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