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Pack Cultura Inglesa - On The Beat 3 - Next Beat - Student´S Book

R$ 265,08 + R$ 14,52 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2019

Estante: Didáticos

Peso: 435g

ISBN: 9788551101636

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 15 de fevereiro de 2024

Sob encomenda: Até 9 dias úteis + tempo de envio

Descrição: "On the Beat is a new dynamic four-level series for teenage learners in the 21st century. Up-to-date topics, multiple opportunities for reflection on language and cultural comparison, a clear focus on vocabulary and grammar, systematic recycling andintegration, enhanced by a sleek and modern design that surely guarantees learning for all students! On the Beat promotes learner autonomy by encouraging students to take an active role in their learning process. To this end, new vocabulary and grammar are presented in context following an inductive approach. Skills are developed step-by-step, allowing students to understand what they are supposed to do at each stage."

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