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Alice`S Adventures In Wonderland - Oxford Bookworms Library 2

R$ 66,12 + R$ 9,42 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2008

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Peso: 80g

ISBN: 9780194790512

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 10 de abril de 2024

Sob encomenda: Até 9 dias úteis + tempo de envio

Descrição: There, on top of the msuhroom, was a large caterpillar, smoking a pipe. After a while the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to alice in a slow, sleepy voice, "Who are you?" What strange things happen when Alice falls into Wonderland! She has conversations with the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat, goes to the Mad Hatter´s tea party, plays croquet with the King and Queen of Hearts...

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