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The Elements of the I Ching

R$ 45,00 + R$ 13,79 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1997

Estante: Esoterismo

Peso: 400g

ISBN: 9781862040359

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 13 de setembro de 2016

Descrição: Cw Sg 21 - Exemplar importado, usado, conservado, ilustrado, 184 páginas. Explains how you can take advantage of this oldest and most powerful Chinese oracle. Symbols or hexagrams are included. Sumary - Acknowledgements. Foreword. Introduction. The Eughit Trigrams. Coins and Yarrow-Stalks, Key to the Hexagrams. The Hexagrams by Numbers and Name. The 64 Divinatory Figures. I Ching, or Change as it is usually called, is a book, a technique for using the book, and a spiritual practice or Way that has been treasured in the East for thousands of years as a guide to navigating the voyage of life. The name of the tradition, Change (I or Yi), points at its central focus.

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