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Abraham a Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths

R$ 28,00 + R$ 15,10 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2002

Estante: Religião

Peso: 498g

ISBN: 9780380977765

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 22 de agosto de 2014

Descrição: W 1620 - Both immediate and timeless, Abraham tells the powerful story of one mans search for the shared ancestor of Judaism, Christianity, andIslam. Traveling through war zones, braving violence at religious sites, andseeking out faith leaders, Bruce Feiler uncovers the defining yet divisive role that Abraham plays for half the worlds believers. Provocative anduplifting, Abraham offers a thoughtful and inspiring vision of unity that redefines what we think about our neighbors, our future, and ourselves. This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more. Exemplar importado, usado, pouco manuseado, conservado, capa dura com sobrecapa, 224 páginas. 9780060838669 Espiritualidade, Relato de Viagens, Terra Santa

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