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The Communist Manifesto and Other Revolutionary Writings

R$ 63,25 + R$ 13,79 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 2003

Estante: Ciência Política

Peso: 390g

ISBN: 0486424650

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 03 de outubro de 2023

Descrição: This concise anthology presents a broad selection of writings by the world’s leading revolutionary figures. Spanning three centuries, the works include such milestone documents as the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), and the Communist Manifesto (1848). It also features writings by the Russian revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky; Marat and Danton of the French Revolution; and selections by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emma Goldman, Mohandas Gandhi, Mao Zedong, and other leading figures in revolutionary thought. An essential collection for anyone interested in the issues, ideas, and history of the major revolutions of modern times. Brochura. Usado em bom estado. Páginas pouco amareladas em razão da ação do tempo. 21 cm.. 284 páginas. CP 199/2

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