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Hip Hotels New York

R$ 47.53 - 5 %

R$ 45,15 + R$ 16,58 envio*

Tipo: novo


Ano: 2006

Estante: Arquitetura

Peso: 600g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 28 de novembro de 2016

Descrição: livro novo sem uso lacrado. importado. n the six years since Herbert Ypma invented a new genre of travel publishing with the original Hip Hotels, an astonishing expansion has brought Highly Individual Places into every neighborhood of one of the most vibrant cities in the world; New York. This Hip Hotels book contains district-by-district coverage, including an introduction to the neighborhood that succinctly sums up its particular atmosphere. There are specially taken photographs of each hotel, accompanied by informative descriptions plus essential information - street and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and room rates. A feature of these city books is the listing, for each hotel, of an absolutely have-to-see site of special local interest and a local must-have lunch or din

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