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Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts

R$ 210,00 + R$ 15,63 envio*

Tipo: seminovo/usado


Ano: 1971

Estante: Esoterismo

Peso: 550g

Idioma: Inglês

Cadastrado em: 01 de outubro de 2021

Descrição: Livro em Bom estado de conservação. Brochura. Em Inglês. Miolo perfeito para leitura. Não possui grifos ou anotações do antigo dono. 451 PgsHerbert Silberers examinations of alchemy and the occult, and his attempts to correlate the two crafts to the pursuit of psychoanalysis, is published here complete with the original illustrations. First published in 1917, this text represents the extensive investigations Herbert Silberer undertook in order to map occurrences in the occult with the ascendant psychoanalytic disciplines present in the Vienna School of which he was part. This text is marked by its depth of research, with sources such as Hermes Trismegistus, Flamel, Lacinius, Michael Meier, Paracelsus, and Boehme quoted and drawn upon in service of Silberers thesis.

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